Launching the infrastructure with mircoservices in AliCloud
Dec 11, 2018
1 min read

Terraform created the necessary infrastructure in Alicloud to launch the application’s microservices.

Terraform scripts have been optimized for Terraform Workspaces.
The following Terraform providers were involved: AliCloud, kubernetes.
Initially, it was planned to deploy microservices through Terraform, but it was later decided to separate the deployment of the infrastructure from the deployment of the application in the Kubernetes cluster.
The infrastructure consists of Terraform modules: Networking, Kubernetes, Postgres RDS, Redis.

The Networking module consists of the following resources: alicloud_vpc, alicloud_vswitch, alicloud_nat_gateway, alicloud_eip, alicloud_eip_association, alicloud_snat_entry;
Kubernetes module: alicloud_cs_kubernetes;
RDS module: alicloud_db_instance, alicloud_db_account;
Module Redis: alicloud_kvstore_instance.

In the development process, Kubernetes resources were used: kubernetes_namespace, kubernetes_secret, kubernetes_deployment, kubernetes_replication_controller, kubernetes_service, kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler.

For deployment of the application in the Kubernetes cluster prepared specifications for the creation of Namespaces, Deployments, Services, Horizontal Pod Autoscalers, Ingresses.