How to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes using Gitlab

This tutorial will guide you in deploying a WP application in Kubernetes using the GitLab repository and a remote server with a MySQL database. Also added a manifest for Kubernetes cron job for data backup to AWS S3 bucket.

Create a repository on GitLab

Put the source of code of WP site or add folders with content to the repository from the archive: wp-content/themes, wp-content/plugins, wp-content/uploads.

Configure the CI/CD variables for the project.

You must have a Kubernetes cluster and the kubectl command-line tool that must be configured to communicate with your cluster.

Continue reading How to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes using Gitlab

Starlink testing in Onix-Systems Company, Ukraine. November 2022

The results of Starlink testing at Onix’s office
(prepared by the infrastructure administrator)

Starlink testing took place on November 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

According to statistical data, 180-200 unique IP addresses participating in the testing.

During the testing, they downloaded 219 GB and transmitted 39 GB of data. This amounts to 258 GB of data, nearly 200 GB less than the average daily traffic consumption.

Continue reading Starlink testing in Onix-Systems Company, Ukraine. November 2022

How Onix moved the complex application from Heroku to AWS

We have lately assisted a client in migrating their application written in Ruby on Rails (RoR) from Heroku to Amazon Web Service (AWS). The migration was motivated by the developing app’s need for greater capacity and flexibility at a minimal cost. It was a production app without testing servers, so there was no room for error.

Continue reading How Onix moved the complex application from Heroku to AWS