The certificates of members of our department
Onix Internal
This tutorial will guide you in deploying a WP application in Kubernetes using the GitLab repository and a remote server with a MySQL database. Also added a manifest for Kubernetes cron job for data backup to AWS S3 bucket. Create a repository on GitLab Put the source of code of WP site or add folders […]
Onix Internal
The results of Starlink testing at Onix’s office(prepared by the infrastructure administrator) Starlink testing took place on November 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. According to statistical data, 180-200 unique IP addresses participating in the testing. During the testing, they downloaded 219 GB and transmitted 39 GB of data. This amounts to 258 GB […]
Our experience
We have lately assisted a client in migrating their application written in Ruby on Rails (RoR) from Heroku to Amazon Web Service (AWS). The migration was motivated by the developing app’s need for greater capacity and flexibility at a minimal cost. It was a production app without testing servers, so there was no room for […]
The certificates of members of our department
G2 інстанси оптимізовані для додатків, що використовують ресурси відео підсистеми. Після запуску такого інстансу, фізично отримуємо доступ до відео карти nVidia. Такий інстанс необхідно налаштувати щоб додатки могли використовувати ці ресурси, в іншому випадку буде використовуватися тільки ЦП.
7 Security Measures to Protect Your Servers Nginx config file testing utility by Yandex
Mail Configuration
Взято з відси. SPF — это не только уровень защиты от солнечных лучей. Это еще и мощная технология, которая ограждает домен отправителя от действий мошенников. О том, как она работает и почему без настроенной SPF все меры по защите почтовой репутации летят коту под хвост – рассказываем. P.S. будет много технических терминов, но мы их просто объясним.:)
Onix Internal
This tutorial will guide you in deploying a WP application in Kubernetes using the GitLab repository and a remote server with a MySQL database. Also added a manifest for Kubernetes cron job for data backup to AWS S3 bucket. Create a repository on GitLab Put the source of code of WP site or add folders […]
Onix Internal
The results of Starlink testing at Onix’s office(prepared by the infrastructure administrator) Starlink testing took place on November 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. According to statistical data, 180-200 unique IP addresses participating in the testing. During the testing, they downloaded 219 GB and transmitted 39 GB of data. This amounts to 258 GB […]
Onix Internal
Recently, more and more users are using multiple cloud resources to host their applications their corporate resources. According to this situation for multi-cloud systems need a multi-cloud tool for monitoring. One example of such a universal monitoring system could be New Relic. Especially after the last update (to New Relic ONE), which allows you to […]
Our experience
We have lately assisted a client in migrating their application written in Ruby on Rails (RoR) from Heroku to Amazon Web Service (AWS). The migration was motivated by the developing app’s need for greater capacity and flexibility at a minimal cost. It was a production app without testing servers, so there was no room for […]
Our experience
Common rules DevOps at Onix is responsible for the infrastructure for web projects. Most often, a DevOps engineer is part of the development team. In this case, it has the main tasks:
Our experience
How we reduced the cost of using AWS resources. In most cases where we reduced the AWS costs the reason was a wrong built architecture, to which we made changes. Sometimes resources were used incorrectly from the beginning, sometimes when the application expanded, the architecture needed to be changed. Since the project is under the […]
Постановка задачи: * есть 2 домена –, * с нужно выполнить AJAX запрос, при этом закрыт HTTP basic auth
В репозитории есть файл, в котором описаны команды и настройки. Версия ansible 1.8.4