Helpful Ansible Resources
Mar 21, 2017
1 min read

Looking for more information on Ansible? Below are a few of our favorite resources to help you learn more about Ansible – the simplest way to automate IT.

 email image Ansible Quick Start Video

This videos shows you the basics of Ansible. Learn the hows and why of the product and how to get up and running in a matter of minutes.

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 email image Ansible: Up & Running

Get a free 2 chapter preview.

Chapter 2 Playbooks, a Beginning
Chapter 13 Docker

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 email image Ansible Tower 2-min Intro Video

Ansible Tower is the best way to run Ansible in your company. What this video and see how it can save you and your team valuable man-hours each week.

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 300x200-email-placeholder.png Ansible In Depth Whitepaper

Read an in depth report on all of Ansible’s capabilities and learn how you can automate easily.

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