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DevOps Knowledge Base

Our experience

Our experience

Oct 17, 2017
1 min read
Our Experience with Terraform

We are using terraform for creating infrastructure as code and take our time to describe the infrastructure one time that gives us an ability to run a copy of environment in different regions, accounts etc. We deployed different environments: from the easiest one-server deployment with 3-5 containers using Ansible to environments with scaling groups on […]

By Serhii Kholin

Our experience

Jul 7, 2017
6 min read
СonneSOA project, that we have experience working, develop and support with

SOA project’s components The project contains the next list of components: Application with http access (Python applications based on Tornado framework and go application with http access to them). Applications (Python application) that read queries and execute necessary actions. Hashicorp Consul (https://www.consul.io/) service for automatic discovery of services. Ebay Fabio (https://github.com/fabiolb/fabio) is used as http, […]

By Serhii Kholin

Our experience

Jul 4, 2017
1 min read
Our DevOps Experience

We are taking advantage of AWS and its services and have a solid experience with Docker and “dockerizing” applications written in various languages: NodeJS, Golang, Kotlin, PHP, Python. We deployed different environments: from the easiest one-server deployment with 3-5 containers using Ansible to environments with scaling groups on AWS with 10-20 microservices using Terraform.

By Serhii Kholin