Onix Internal
DevOps Knowledge Base

Onix Internal

Onix Internal

Mar 14, 2023
8 min read
How to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes using Gitlab

This tutorial will guide you in deploying a WP application in Kubernetes using the GitLab repository and a remote server with a MySQL database. Also added a manifest for Kubernetes cron job for data backup to AWS S3 bucket. Create a repository on GitLab Put the source of code of WP site or add folders […]

By Daria Hrytsiuk

Onix Internal

Dec 19, 2022
2 min read
Starlink testing in Onix-Systems Company, Ukraine. November 2022

The results of Starlink testing at Onix’s office(prepared by the infrastructure administrator) Starlink testing took place on November 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. According to statistical data, 180-200 unique IP addresses participating in the testing. During the testing, they downloaded 219 GB and transmitted 39 GB of data. This amounts to 258 GB […]

By Serhii Kholin

Onix Internal

Aug 27, 2020
5 min read
New Relic integration on different clouds

Recently, more and more users are using multiple cloud resources to host their applications their corporate resources. According to this situation for multi-cloud systems need a multi-cloud tool for monitoring. One example of such a universal monitoring system could be New Relic. Especially after the last update (to New Relic ONE), which allows you to […]

By Volodimir Reznichenko

Onix Internal

Jun 27, 2020
1 min read
Onix DevOps Internship 2020

В компанії Onix-Systems завершилася інтернатура по спеціальності DevOps Engineer. Троє учасників виконали всі завдання вчасно і дішли до фіналу, за що і отримують наші поздоровлення і сертифікати. Олег Кривак Сергій Попеску Олександр Колесніков

By Serhii Kholin

Onix Internal

Jan 6, 2020
1 min read
National Holidays in Ukraine 2020

National Holidays – 2020 and Weekends after Sundays: January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) – New Year; January 7, 2020 (Tuesday) – Christmas; 08 and 9, March 2020 (Monday) – International Women’s Day; 19 and 20, April 2020 (Monday) – Easter; May 1, 2020 (Friday) – International Workers’ Solidarity Day; 09 and 11 May 2020 (Monday) – […]

By Serhii Kholin

Onix Internal

Feb 20, 2019
1 min read
Снифер трафика

Если кому нужно поснифать траффик (несколько запросов) в удобном виде, и не хочется запускать Burpsuite, а tcpdump не очень удобен – можно попробовать https://hub.docker.com/r/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/ написан на Python, так что можно и отдельно где-то запустить

By Serhii Kholin

Onix Internal

Jul 12, 2018
1 min read
Some notes how to work with bash

Инструкция по расширенной работе в командном интерпретаторе bash: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ Подстановка значений в переменные: https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/parameter-substitution.html  

By Nikolay Dikhtyar

Onix Internal

Jan 15, 2018
1 min read
Telegram бот для получения статуса временных дроплетов в Digital Ocean

Репозиторий: https://bitbucket.org/onix-systems/devops-internal-tools/src/375f01ba10184bf3c5bd5b26bfb404996b2e322b/bots/telegram/do-status/?at=master Бот служит для быстрого отображения статуса о дроплетах в DigitalOcean.

By Serhii Kholin

Onix Internal

Sep 8, 2017
1 min read
2017.09. Краткая инструкция по обновлению сайта onix-systems.com

Обновление через скрипт Обновление кода производится путем запуска следующего скрипта: $ ssh root@onix-systems.com update-production

By Serhii Kholin